Lenten Service

Lenten Service will be held on Wednesday, at Residence of Mr. Dennis George.

Holy Communion

St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi New Chapel , Kuwait

4th Week before Easter / 3rd Week in Lent Theme -The Accepting Chris 1st Lesson : Hosea 2: 14 -23 Psalm: 87 2nd Lesson: Philemon 1-21 Gospel: Matthew 15: 21 -

Camp Ministry

KCCEC Camp, Mina Abdullah , Kuwait

Camp Ministry will be held on Monday, 16 March 2020 at KCC - Mina Abdullah from 07:00 to 08:00 pm.

Lenten Service

Lenten Service will be held on Wednesday, at Residence of Mr. Joji Ipe.

Intercessory Prayer

Residence of Mr. Sharon Philip Baklin Mangaf, Kuwait

Intercessory Prayer will be held on Thursday, 19 March 2020 at Parsonage from 07.00 pm to 09.00pm

Matins Service

St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait

3rd Week before Easter / 4th Week in Lent Theme - The Liberating Christ 1st Lesson: Exodus 3: 1-13 Psalm : 82 2nd Lesson: Galatians 5: 1-12 Gospel: Luke 13: 10- 17



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