Holy Communion Service

St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait

Theme: Healing in Sickness Healing Ministry Day 1st Lesson: Exodus 04:10-17 Psalms: 103:1-10 2nd Lesson: 2 Corithians 12:01-10 Gospel: John 09:01-07

Holy Communion Service

St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait

Theme: Mission: From Everywhere to Everywhere Mission Day 1st Lesson: Isaiah 49:01-06 Psalms: 96:01-10 2nd Lesson: 1 Timothy 02:01-07 Gospel: John 04:27-38

Holy Communion Service

St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Youth Center

Theme: The Corruption of Creation 1st Lesson: Isaiah 05:01-13 Psalms: 8 2nd Lesson: Galatians 01:05-10 Gospel: Luke 10:13-16


St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Youth Center


St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Youth Center


St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Youth Center


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