Holy Communion Service
St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait24th Week after Pentecost Theme - Treasure in Clay Jars Unity Day 1st Lesson : Micah 6: 01-08 Psalm: 106: 01-12 2nd Lesson: 2 Corinthians 4: 07-15 Gospel: Mark 4:
Holy Communion Service
St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait25th Week after Pentecost Theme - Assuring Future For The Girl Child Girl Child Day 1st Lesson : 2 Kings 5: 01-05 Psalm: 08 2nd Lesson: Acts 12: 11-17 Gospel:
Holy Communion Service
St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, Kuwait1st Week In Advent Theme - Joyful Expectation Of Christ's Coming 1st Lesson : Jeremiah 33: 10-16 Psalm: 68: 11-20 2nd Lesson: 1Thessalonians 3: 06-13 Gospel: Luke 01; 39-45
Holy Communion Service
2nd Week In Advent Theme - Word Of God: Light To Our Path Bible Sunday 1st Lesson : Isaiah 55:06-13 Psalm: 119: 105-112 2nd Lesson: Galatians 1: 11-17 Gospel: Luke