6 events found.
Matins Service
1st week after Epiphany Theme -Honoring the Body as Temple of God 1st Lesson: Ecclesiastes 6: 1-12 Psalm: 1 2nd Lesson: 1 Corinthian's 3: 16-23 Gospel: Matthew 5: 21-30
Intercessory Prayer
Residence of Mr. Sharon Philip Baklin Mangaf, KuwaitHoly Communion Service
2nd Week After Epiphany Theme - Called to Unity 1st Lesson: Ezekiel 37: 15: 23 Psalm : 133 2nd Lesson: Ephesian's 4: 1-6 Gospel: John 15: 1-12
Camp Ministry
KCCEC Camp, Mina Abdullah , KuwaitConvention
St. Paul's CSI Church Ahmadi Ahmadi, KuwaitGuest Speaker: Rev. Shaji M. Johnson