Ask, Seek, Knock

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By: Shanti John

Life is a journey full of problems and difficulties. There are times when you lose all your hopes; you feel let down. The darkness of despair engulfs all around you. You feel that you are in sinking sand and the more you try to lift yourself out, the deeper you sink. These are the times when being a child of God, you should remember the promise He has given you in Matt. 7: 7-8 “ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the doors will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”.

ask01These are cheering and comforting words from our Lord. If we were self sufficient, if our lives were all rosy, how do we learn to ask, seek and knock? If we were self sufficient, if our lives were all rosy, how do we learn to ask, seek and knock? He wants to be in our midst. Among the multitudes of people, He has chosen us to be His children. He has given us the promise of answering our prayers. All we have to do is to ask Him. But is it just asking that he wants us to do? He wants us to ask and then act upon it. He wants us to seek what we ask. For example, we pray for our daily bread, but we also labor to obtain it. We pray that we might get well from our sickness, but we seek treatment that will help. We pray for knowledge of God’s word, but we diligently search and examine the Scriptures. He does not want us to just ask once and leave. He wants to us continually ask. He wants to see the depth of our trust and confidence in him. Thus, all of those who obey the command will receive. Not a single one will be ignored or brushed aside.

But there are times when we ask and do not receive. Many a time have we experienced it. There are times when I have wondered why the Lord tells me to ask and then do not give. Life’s experiences have taught me that God will not always give us everything we ask. He knows what is best for His children. He will not give us anything that is bad for us. So let us do our part – continue to ask, seek, and knock.

Ask, ask, ask and it shall be given unto you; Seek, seek, seek and you shall find; Knock, knock, knock and it shall be opened unto you, your heavenly father is so kind;

Ask, Seek, Knock !!



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