Our Spiritual Check-up

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Dear beloved in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As we are entering our new financial year, we thank the Lord for all his mercies and blessings through the past year. “Attempt great things for God : expect great things from God”.

Let us always think on these terms and our actions be in line with it. Our spiritual life requires an occasional check-ups to detect health problems before they become serious. As doctors recommend a routine physical exam, we should do likewise for our spiritual well being, by asking a few questions rooted in the Great Commandment (Mark 12: 30), Jesus referred to.

Do I love God with all my heart because He first loved me? Which is stronger, my desire for earthly gain or for treasures that are mine in Christ? (Colossians 3:1). He desires that His peace rules our heart.

Do I love God with all my soul? Do I listen to God telling me who I am? Am I moving away from self-centered desires? ( V. 5). Am I becoming more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient? ( V.12).

Do I love God with all my mind? Do I focus on my relationship with His son or do I let my mind wander wherever it wants to go? Do my thoughts lead to problems or solutions? To unity or division? Forgiveness or revenge? ( V. 13).

Do I love God with all my strength? Am I willing to be seen as weak so that God can show His strength on my behalf? ( V. 17). Am I relying on His grace to be strong in His spirit?. As we let the message of Christ dwell among us richly with all wisdom V.16, He will equip us to build each other up as we become spiritually fit and useful to Him. Our regular spiritual check-up will enable us to live in God’s ways, in our everyday life.

Let us pray for Rev. Sabu and his family as they left Kuwait after serving us for three years. Also let us pray for the new vicar Rev. Dr. Jacob Chacko and his family for their safe journey to Kuwait and for his service amongst us to be fruitful. Let us always work in unity, as a family, for the uplifting and glory of our God.

May God bless you all
Yours in Christ,

Rev. Johnson Alexander



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